We are a
European Organic Fertilizer Manufacturers Association
Will animal by-products finally be included in the FPR ?
Speakers already include the European Commission (DG AGRI and DG GROW), S&P/Fertecon, ADAS, Nutriënten Management Instituut, Notified (certifi...
Carbon Footprint of Organic Fertilizers
On the SOFIE 2023 conference in Brussels, which EUROFEMA organized with ESPP, Fertilizers Europe, ECOFI and IFS, EUROFEMA presented a first LCA ana...
EUROFEMA contribution to the ad-hoc meeting of the Commission Expert Group on CMC 10
1. EUROFEMA wants to support the following contribution derived from the ESPP contribution. CMCs 3, 5, 12, 13 and 14 and update o...
EUROFEMA’s positioning paper on Animal By Products
EUROFEMA published its positioning paper on the inclusion of animal by-products in the fertiliser produtsr egulation. The paper was also submitted ...
EFPRA conference
EUROFEMA presented at the EFPRA conference in the Algarve it’s view’s on Inclusion of Animal By-Products in the new european fertiliser products...
Info session Fertiliser Product Regulation
On the 23rd of May the commission organized a day long info session on many aspect of the new Fertiliser Products Regulation 2019/1009 . At the ses...
Animal Health Advisory Committee Meeting
EUROFEMA has attended a part of the Animal Health Advisory Committee Meeting ( AHAC ) on june the 7th. During te meeting we where able to interact ...
Joint letter by EFPRA, EUROFEMA and ECOFI
A joint EFPRA – EUROFEMA – ECOFI letter on the pending EU-legislation on the determination of end points in the manufacturing chain of certain ...
SOFIE2 – 2e Summit of the Organic and organo-mineral Fertilisers Industries in Europe
EUROFEMA co-organizes SOFIE 2 which will be held 17 and 18 January 2023. Delayed by Covid, the 2nd SOFIE will centre on how organic and organo-mine...
Organically based fertiliser
Our member produce organically based fertiliser for many markets and applications using a wide range of organic raw materials.
Horticulture fertilisers
Hobby market fertiliser
Amenity fertilisers
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Become a member of EUROFEMA
If you are respresenting producers of organic fertilisers in your country as a industry association please join EUROFEMA and have your say in EU developments. If you are a individual company and your country does not have a industry association please also join.
Become a member of EUROFEMA
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